Addiction Services Council wishes a safe and Happy Holiday to you and yours!
Remember that if you’re struggling to navigate recovery over the holidays, our 24-hour helpline is always available for your call: 513-281-RHAC (7422). This centralized helpline and service center provides information and referral services by credentialed clinicians to help navigate beginning or continued recovery.
What better way to end the year than with a commitment to recovery from substance abuse. ASC is ready to help. Learn more about our helpline and other recovery services that we offer at
#addictionsupport #24hourhelpline #greatercincinnati #addictiontreatment #addictionresources #Helpline #addictionisreal #addictionrecovery #addictionawareness #addictionprevention #recoveryjourney #recoveryispossible #SubstanceAbuseAwareness #SubstanceAbusePrevention #substanceabusetreatment
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