As 2020 comes to a close, it’s safe to say that everyone in our community hopes to be turning a new page and planning a fresh start for the New Year.
For many people, that fresh start might look like, beginning to navigate a lifetime of recovery from substance abuse. Recovery requires support. With this increased demand for recovery services in the face of COVID-19, Addiction Services Council is asking for your continued support with our Annual Fund Drive.
There’s no way around it: your support helps us change lives for the better. Please donate to our Annual Fund Drive today to ensure that our services are readily available to those in need of the change that a lifetime of recovery offers.
#addictiontreatment #addictionresources #addictionawareness #AddictionRecovery #SubstanceAbusePrevention #substanceabusetreatment #SubstanceAbuseAwareness #substanceabuse

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